There is it friends! I have my placement for Peace Corps. Wanna know where I am going? Well, it all started this afternoon while I was on campus finishing up a paper due later in the day. My cell phone rang and it was Cheryl telling me that I got a large package from the Peace Corps! Then she asked if I wanted her to open it, no way Jose! I would open it when I got home from school.
Of course a few of my classmates thought I was crazy for even waiting since my house is only a few minutes drive from campus, but I had school to do! I told them if I finished up I would run home before next class and get the packet. Well that's what I did. I got home with 30 minutes to spare before class (I know I know when am I going to tell you...I'm getting there).
I wanted to make sure that everyone got the best of the finding out experience, so I let Cheryl open it and see without me seeing. I wanted to open it and find out with my classmates who would also be going through the same procedure as I did today. After opening and seeing where I would go, I asked Cheryl some questions.
Is it Africa? No. Man that's where I wanted to go, my heart broke a little...ok a lot. I felt like I would cry. It took me a second to remember where this country was. Really? Man I felt confused, where could it be? Cheryl is smart and knows most places, so I was stumped. I jumped back in the car with 10 minutes till class and about to reveal where I would be spending the next two plus years of my life.
You know that moment on Wheel of Fortune, at the end, where the winner is finding out what their prize is by opening a shiny gold envelope? That's how it felt for me. I got into class and everyone was excited that I waited and there was this pause...when I almost couldn't open up the Velcro cover. Then as every one was cheering me on, I slipped my hand under the flap...
I am going to Macedonia?!?!?!?
Yep, I am going to the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. A country in Southeast Europe that is bordered by Kosovo, Serbia, Bulgaria, Greece, and Albania. I country with more than 50 lakes and sixteen mountains higher than 6,562 feet.
Here is the flag:

It looks kind of cool right? I mean I am warming up to the idea more and more. It's not that I am against Macedonia, it's just I never had a real opinion on the place and now I am going to be living there. I wasn't really sure where it was when I read the name out. I know where it wasn't but I wouldn't have been able to go to it on a map.
The Peace Corps sent me a huge packet with all sorts of information I need to go through and I should do that and get back to them within a week's time, since that is the deadline. Yeah I'm going to go, it's an adventure and they tell you to be open to where ever you are placed. So I ship out on September 9th, with per-service training from September 11th - November 24th. I will be serving as an NGO Development Volunteer till November 23rd, 2013.
I plan (cross your fingers) to post something new about Macedonia and my service each day this week. As I learn information you too will be learning. Here's to new lands and new adventures.
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