This week I have learned how God provides for my daily need before I am even needy. It amazes me how I will read his word and then those are the words that sustain me through the day.
I am working through a book called Jesus Calling by Sarah Young, which was suggested to me by a friend. So far it's been great and I am so glad she pushed me to bring it on my trip! The book is broken up into small, daily devotionals. August 2nd, the day I traveled to Hawaii, the book talked about sacrificing time and taking the time to sit quietly in his presence. I have daily opportunities to do so on this trip and I have been taking advantage of those moments!
For you make him most blessed forever; you make him joyful with your presence. Psalm 21:6
Being here at Polestar, has given me the opportunity to see what my daily life can be like when it is centered upon Christ. Though the members here do not share my exact view on spirituality, I have relied on God to show me ways that I can still use the time given me to worship and honor him.
One magnificently huge lesson that I am reminded of this week and will continue to work through my entire life is the power that words posses. That next day, Jesus Calling spoke to that very situation.
There is one who speaks rashly like the thrusts of a sword, but the tongue of the wise brings healing. Let no unwholesome word proceed from your mouth, but only such a word as is good for edification according to the need of the moment, so that it will give grace to those who hear. Proverbs 12:18 and Ephesians 4:29
God reminds me of my daily, hourly need of him. All I can really do is say help, help me to speak less and when I do let it be words that glorify you and build up your children.
These are just a couple of the things that God has reminded me of these past few days. Here in Hawaii there is also the daily reminder of God's beauty in the earth and how he daily provides for the land and my physical needs. The land here is so gorgeous and awe inspiring. He provides daily rains which keeps the land lush and the fruits plenty. There is also great power in the fire of the lava and the heat that rises through the water. You can see the endless galaxies every night in the sky above.
Recently I have had the opportunity to see lava as it flows out from its heated center into the raging waves of the ocean. What a great experience, to feel the power and heat and watch the steam rise as the lava hits the waves. The power of the lava is amazing and frightening as the same time, just like the love of the Father. I have also walked to where the lava starts at the volcano. Though, the lava that is flowing now travels mostly underground towards the ocean, I jumped at the opportunity to go see the volcano where it all begins. There was a great amount of steam that was rising from the area. The steam was very warm and kinda smelled like ramen noodles. I've swam in the ocean three times now, in a heated pool, a crystal clear cove and at a calm entrance to a rough area of waves down the coast.
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