The end is coming...I am fighting counting how many weeks of school I have left. Oh alright, I might as well. Open iPhone. Touch calendar. This week, next week, April dear God, that whole month, ok really six weeks...maybe seven if you count the two classes that are meeting when no one else is, but by week six I will have turned in everything that counts for a grade. In those six weeks in addition to class and homework, I will still be helping individuals with taxes three days out of the week (including Saturday), trying to wrangle the beginnings of three community gardens, running a half marathon (did 9.3 yesterday), going to the Jersey Shore one more time with my housemates, attending a Brownfields Conference, helping organize and promote for a grant writing workshop, visiting a Macedonian church, possibly going to Norfolk, VA and either going to Boston or having Jillian come here (both of these may also happen after I am done with school), visiting Washington, DC, seeing Iron and Wine, cooking a Macedonian meal, attending a wedding, AND pack.
I really just wanted to write that all out (not really).
Thursday I got back from another WWOOFing (World Wide Opportunity for Organic Farming) adventure, this time in Ireland. I will have to write about it next time (I wrote most of this entry two weeks ago).
I am about to run out the door for the Jersey Coast this weekend with my houses and a bit of a retreat.