I am writing from Boston, MA after a long and harrowing car trip. It started off with me rear-ending probably the nicest guy out there. At one point he told me that he was sorry, maybe that was due to the fact that I mentioned it was my birthday yesterday, but you know... It wasn't a bad accident. He was stopped and I moved to the gas before looking again to make sure he had already gone, whoops! I am just now coming to terms with the fact that maybe I shouldn't drive anymore. I am just not careful enough on the road. I want to get where I am going as soon as I can with the lest amount of resistance. If I can make it through this year then I won't have to worry about a car for two years.
Oh, and my bike got stolen in Philadelphia last Saturday. I biked over the Ben Franklin bridge to see Lori and spend the night. Biking in Philly was a little much for me since it was the biggest city that I had tried to maneuver in before. There were a few times that I needed to be turning down a certain street, but me physically trying to get there would be a death sentence. So I went in a few large circles. I didn't die though and I eventually found Lori's place after stopping and getting some final directions from her roommate. The bike got stolen near the Italian Market and what kills me is that it was totally my oversight. I didn't lock the thing up right and we were gone for maybe 45mins and that's all it took. Just my front wheel and lock left. I felt terrible because Lori had to push her bike around for the rest of the afternoon. I almost had a breakthrough when the police called on Thursday saying they were so sure they had my bike. I jumped in the car and drove over to the station, but alas it wasn't mine. I was ok with it not being my bike simply because the cops called me, they were looking for my bike. Also, when I said it wasn't mine they seemed so crushed. I was happy enough that the system was working for me when I though it would just over look me.
Let's talk about water ice. I had never heard of such a thing before landing in Camden. It's flavored ice with custard or soft serve underneath or in layers. I was skeptical at first because I didn't want it to be like a snow cone or Italian ice. If my words can convince you in anyway, it's not like either of those two treats. Water ice is amazing! I have been twice and the first time I got chocolate water ice and coffee soft serve. So good! Pretty soon water ice shops will close down for the fall/winter.
Oh and it was my birthday on Thursday so now I am 28. So far I don't feel any different. Normally I don't, but when I turned 20 I felt weird not saying something-teen. My house was kind enough to make me strawberry shortcake, tater-tots and green beans on request. They also served me this delightful food on a happy birthday plate and I drank from a happy birthday mug. So Happy Birthday to me, let the next year keep plodding along.
Philly mural, coffee break and almond-chocolate chip muffin mix